First Ariane 6 booster rear skirt now at ArianeGroup’s Issac site

The first rear skirt for the Ariane 6 P120C solid rocket motor is now undergoing integration in the new Ariane 6 building at ArianeGroup’s Issac (France) site.

The 3.7m by 2.5m sub-assembly was transported from its manufacturer based in Klatovy in the Czech Republic in the vertical position, and rotated to the horizontal on arrival at ArianeGroup’s Issac site using a mechanism specially constructed for the purpose. In October, the skirt will set off for the European Spaceport in Kourou (French Guiana) where it will be integrated with the main P120C structure which will in turn undergo testing in early 2020.

Using the rotating tool …

… to place the skirt in the horizontal position

The skirt at the reception zone